
Prediction results for P19873

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Disordered by Russell/Linding definition

>P19873_Disorder 1-13, 62-68
SSCPGKSSWP HLVgvggsva kaiierqnpn vkavileegt pvtkdfrcnr vriwvnkrgl vVSPPRIG

Potential globular domains (GlobDoms) by Russell/Linding definition

>P19873_GlobDoms none
sscpgksswp hlvgvggsva kaiierqnpn vkavileegt pvtkdfrcnr vriwvnkrgl vvspprig

JOB-ID: P19873_162331Zt8hAn8AAAEAACxRcy4AAABT
Paramters: propensities=Russell/Linding smooth=10 dy/dx_smooth=10
Disorder frames: peak-frame=5 join-frame=4
Globularity frames: peak-frame=74 join-frame=15
Name: P19873
Description: sp|P19873|ITH5_CUCMA Inhibitor of trypsin and hageman factor OS=Cucurbita maxima OX=3661 PE=1 SV=1
Plot title/ID: none
Sequence length: 68
Download Results smoothed raw dydx